SEO guide for beginners
Beginners SEO Guide | Sabari vnair

SEO Starter Guide: Building a Strong Foundation for Search Engine Success

Understand the basics of Search engine optimization

What is SEO ( Search Engine Optimization)?

SEO is optimizing a website to improve its visibility and ranking organically on search engine results pages (SERPs). SEO is a time-consuming process for organic success. SEO has components such as On-Page SEO, Off-page SEO, Technical SEO, Local SEO, and Link Building. 

Follow the steps to build the best SEO strategy.


  1. Keyword Research 

Keyword research is the process of finding and analyzing specific terms that people search in search engines. Firstly, identify the relevant terms using keyword research tools such as Ubersuggest, SemRush, Google Keyword Planner, etc.

  •  On-Page SEO

After finding the relevant keywords, apply them to the website and see the meta title and meta description. The purpose of using meta titles and descriptions is for the bots to crawl our site to rank the website. 

NB: Meta title only needs below 60 characters, and meta description needs below 150 characters only. (optimized)

Content optimization is another process in on-page SEO. There are certain things to be noted in content optimization. Website content must have H1 tags and also require other tags such as h2, h3, h4, etc. H1 tag or header tag is considered the main primary keyword. Url Structuring will be shorter, rich in keyword and descriptive

  • Technical SEO

The next step is mobile optimization. Today, 7.41 billion people are using mobile phones. Most of the people are accessing websites through phones. It is essential to make a responsive design for mobile and desktop modes. Next is to check the speed and performance of the website. It is better to keep below 5 sec for the speed and 70 above for performance. Performance and speed were audited using SemRush, Google Page Insight, etc. Check for any issues in the crawling and indexing and add canonical tags, Robot txt, and sitemaps. Add social icons and connect with social accounts for brand awareness and visibility. 

  • Local SEO

Local SEO includes Google My Business and another local directory listing your business. Use local keywords for more visibility. Stay updated on new SEO trends and algorithm updates.

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  • Link Building

It is an essential technique for building domain authority by using different sites, adding content, getting high-quality domain authority through the website, and increasing traffic and ranking quickly. 

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