
Search Engine Optimization


The main objective of my personal web development project is to increase the authority of my website and raise its visibility in search engine results. Through strategic content optimization, site structure enhancement, and adherence to SEO best practices, I seek to improve the position of my website in search engine result pages (SERPs). My website will receive more organic traffic as a result of my increased visibility, thus establishing my online authority in the niche I have selected. I want to increase my online exposure, draw in a specific audience, and effectively market my abilities and hobbies through my personal website-building plan.


  • Keyword Competition
  • Content Quality and Freshness
  • Backlinks and Authority
  • Technical SEO


I was able to successfully improve the search engine rankings of my personal website with the help of Haris and Co Academy. My website currently performs remarkably well across all major search engines as a result of their amazing insights and techniques.

My website takes up the fourth spot in Google searches, which I can say with pride. This means that visitors can quickly find me among the top results when they search for themes that are connected to my website.

My website is currently ranked first on Bing.com. Due to my high visibility among Bing users, there is a greater likelihood that I will draw more visitors.

My website is listed in the coveted top spot on Yahoo as well. This improves my website’s internet prominence because Yahoo users can easily find and access it.

These high search engine rankings are a result of the effective strategies I put into place with the help of Haris and Co. Academy.

Digital Marketing Expert In Alappuzha - Google Search
Digital Marketing Expert In Alappuzha - Bing Search
Digital Marketing Expert In Alappuzha - Yahoo Search

Major Tools Used